Chapter 06. | The Traveling-Salesman Problem: Hamilton Joins the Circuit |
1. Hamilton Circuits and Hamilton Paths |
2. Complete Graphs |
3. Traveling-Salesman Problems |
4. Simple Strategies for Solving TSPs |
5. The Brute-Force and Nearest Neighbor Algorithms |
6. Approximate Algorithms |
7. The Repetitive Nearest-Neighbor Algorithm |
8. The Cheapest-Link Alogrithm |
Chapter 07. | The Mathematics of Networks: It's All about Being Connected |
1. Trees |
2. Minimum Spanning Trees |
3. Kruskal's Algorithm |
4. The Shortest Distance Between Three Points |
5. The Shortest Network Linking More Than Three Points |
Chapter 08. | The Mathematics of Scheduling: Directed Graphs and Critical Paths |
4. The Decreasing-Time Algorithm |
5. Critical Paths |
6. The Critical-Path Algorithm |
7. Scheduling with Independent Tasks |
1. The Basic Elements of Scheduling |
2. Directed Graphs (Digraphs) |
3. The Priority-List Model for Scheduling |
Chapter 09. | Spiral Growth in Nature: Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio |
1. Fibonacci Numbers |
2. The Equation x2=x+1 and the Golden Ratio |
3. Gnomons |
4. Gnomonic Growth |
Chapter 10. | The Mathematics of Population Growth: There is Strength in Numbers |
1. The Dynamics of Population Growth |
2. The Linear Growth Model |
3. The Exponential Growth Model |
4. The Logisitc Growth Model |
Chapter 11. | Symmetry: Mirror, Mirror, off the Wall… |
1. Geometric Symmetry |
2. Rigid Motions |
3. Reflections |
4. Rotations |
5. Translations |
6. Glide Reflections |
7. Symmetry Revisited |
8. Patterns |
Chapter 12. | Fractal Geometry: Fractally Speaking. |
1. The Koch Snowflake |
2. The Sierpinski Gasket |
3. The Chaos Game |
4. The Twisted Sierpinski Gasket |
5. Self-Similarity in Art and Literature |
6. The Mandelbrot Set |
Chapter 13. | Collecting Statistical Data: Censuses, Surveys, and Studies |
1. The Population |
2. Surveys |
3. Random Sampling |
4. Sampling: Terminology and Key Concepts |
5. Clinical Studies |
Chapter 14. | Descriptive Statistics: Graphing and Summarizing Data |
1. Graphical Descriptions of Data |
2. Variables: Quantitative and Qualitative; Continuous and Discrete |
3. Numerical Summaries of Data |
4. Measures of Spread |
Chapter 15. | Chances, Probability, and Odds: Measuring Uncertainty |
1. Random Experiments and Sample Spaces |
2. Counting: The Multiplication Rule |
3. Permutations and Combinations |
4. What Is a Probability? |
5. Probability Spaces |
6. Probability Spaces with Equally Likely Outcomes |
7. Odds |
Chapter 16. | Normal Distributions: Everything is Back to Normal (Almost) |
1. Approximately Normal Distributions of Data |
2. Normal Curves and Normal Distributions |
3. Standardizing Normal Data Sets |
4. The 68-95-99.7 Rule |
5. Normal Curves as Models of Real-Life Data Sets |
6. Normal Distributions of Random Events |
7. Statistical Inference |
Chapter M. | Miscellaneous |
01. Finance: Interest and Annuities |
02. Finance: Amortization |
03. Linear Regression |