Microsoft® Access may be the most powerful programming tool available for Visual Basic. While nearly everything Access does can be accomplished with Visual Basic code (there are exceptions), Access makes most design tasks so much simpler that I consider having a copy of Access as much a necessity for database development as a keyboard.
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Creating a database from a design involves a large number of tedious processes of creating tables, fields, indexes, relationships, default values, rules, and so on. While this can all be done with pure VB code, it's an an obscure and complex process. Here's a short example from the VB help file under the CreateTableDef topic that will create a table with a single field:
Dim MyTableDef As TableDef, MyField As Field Dim MyDatabase As Database Set MyDatabase = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("BIBLIO.MDB") ' Create new TableDef. Set MyTableDef = MyDatabase.CreateTableDef("Title Detail") ' Add field to MyTableDef. Set MyField = MyTableDef.CreateField("Comments",dbDate) MyTableDef.Fields.Append MyField ' Save TableDef definition by appending it to TableDefs collection. MyDatabase.TableDefs.Append MyTableDef
Now, you could skip using the CreateTableDef and CreateField methods and perform the intire process with a single call to the Execute method of the database object using a Jet DDL SQL statement. Here's the general format for a SQL CREATE TABLE statement:
CREATE TABLE table (field1 type [(size)] [index1] [, field2 type [(size)] [index2] [, ...]] [, multifieldindex [, ...]])
The code might look like this (I've modified some names from the previous example for simplicity):
Dim db As Database Dim sSQLDDL As String sSQLDDL = "CREATE TABLE TitleDetail ( Comments DATETIME );" Set db = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(App.Path & "\" & App.EXEName & ".mdb") db.Execute sSQLDDL db.Close Set db = Nothing
Keep in mind that in both of these examples, we have code that creates one table with one field. There are no rules, defaults, indexes, or primary or foreign keys involved. Additionally, the code contains no error handling. Now consider what the code would look like to create a large database design consisting of hundreds of fields in dozens of tables, complete with primary and foreign key constraints, rules, defaults, and so on.
In general, you'll find all aspects of designing a database considerably simpler in Access. Here's an example of what's required to accomplish some basic design tasks using the Access interface:
As you can see, the Access interface greatly simplifies the process of building a database.
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Once you have built the basic database design, including tables, fields, indexes, relationships, rules, defaults, and so on, the most common task you will perform will be building queries. All queries are created with Structured Query Language (SQL), but Access provides a graphical design tool for building queries that makes the process easier, faster, and more reliable. It also gives you a chance to see what the SQL for a complex query looks like without needing to fully understand all of the SQL syntax involved. This makes the query design window both a design tool and a learning tool.
Here's an example of the SQL for a complex query that's used as the base source of several reports in a large database application:
SELECT DISTINCTROW HLLink.HLID, HLLink.HLCaseID, HLLink.HLRemarks, HLLink.HLCRCInit, CaseArchive.CaseStatusClass, CaseArchive.CaseStatusCategory, Organizations.OrgName, Organizations.OrgDept, Organizations.OrgAddress1, Organizations.OrgAddress2, Organizations.OrgCity, Organizations.OrgState, Organizations.OrgZIP, Organizations.OrgPhone, Organizations.OrgFax, Organizations.OrgCategory, People.PersonPrefix, People.PersonFirst, People.PersonMiddle, People.PersonLast, People.PersonSuffix, People.PersonTitle, People.PersonAddress1, People.PersonAddress2, People.PersonCity, People.PersonState, People.PersonZIP, People.PersonPhone, People.PersonPExt, People.PersonFax, People.PersonCategory, TimeTable.TTBillingID, TimeTable.TTTaskID, TimeTable.TTUser, TimeTable.TTStart, TimeTable.TTSeconds, TimeTable.TTAddMin, Cases.CaseReportingRegion, Cases.CaseReportingState, Cases.CaseTypeClass, Cases.CaseTypeCategory, Cases.CaseStatusClass, Cases.CaseStatusCategory, Cases.CaseDiagnosis, Cases.CaseIsOffLabel, Plans.PlanClass, Plans.PlanCategory, Plans.PlanTitle, Products.ProductName, Diagnoses.Diagnosis FROM Diagnoses RIGHT JOIN (Organizations RIGHT JOIN (TimeTable INNER JOIN ((Plans RIGHT JOIN (People RIGHT JOIN (OPLink AS PhysicianOPLink RIGHT JOIN (Products RIGHT JOIN (Cases RIGHT JOIN HLLink ON Cases.CaseID = HLLink.HLCaseID) ON Products.ProductID = Cases.CaseProductID) ON PhysicianOPLink.OPID = Cases.CasePhysicianOPID) ON People.PID = HLLink.HLPID) ON Plans.PlanID = Cases.CasePlanID) LEFT JOIN CaseArchive ON HLLink.HLID = CaseArchive.HLID) ON TimeTable.TimerID = HLLink.HLTimerID) ON Organizations.OID = HLLink.HLOID) ON Diagnoses.DiagAbbrev = Cases.CaseDiagnosis;
Clearly this is a query that is more complex than what is typical in most applications. The effort required to build this query as a SQL statement would be considerable given the complexity, the number of joins, etc. Here's the same query seen in the Access query design window:
Click here to see the 27K screen capture.
It doesn't take a user interface design expert to see that this query can be constructed and tested much faster using Access than by coding and testing it in Visual Basic. The process of adding tables and joining them using the query design window is as simple as drag and drop. If you've already defined the relationships between tables, Access will even add the joins for you.
Some aspects of building SQL queries are fairly simple to create by just entering the SQL statement. If you're doing a simple select of a few fields from a single table, it's easy enough to just type:
SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Customers WHERE LastName LIKE 'Smith';
If, however, you're building a query with several tables and multiple outer joins, the query design window will make the process of building and debugging the query much easier. A final bit of advice I'll offer is that you should not use the query design window as a substitute for understanding Jet SQL. If you're building a serious database application, at some point you'll probably need to dynamically generate the SQL for a query in your code. Study the SQL generated by the query designer and the help files to learn the syntax for builing inner and outer joins, setting criteria and sorting records.
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Setting up a secured database is one of the most misunderstood topics in Visual Basic. With VB 4.0 and Jet 3.0, you at last have the capability of programmatically assigning permissions to database objects. However, the process is complex and you will still need a copy of Access to create the system database file which is the cornerstone of Jet security. Unfortunately, the Access interface for managing object permissions isn't that much of an improvement over assigning them programmatically.
If you're completely unfamiliar with Jet security, you might want to read my Understanding Jet Security page or the Access Security White Paper from Microsoft. The Microsoft white paper is also available for download from the Microsoft Access web site or my downloads page. Properly securing a database isn't difficult, but there are several steps involved which must be followed for the database to be secure.
Setting the permissions for an object using VB code consists of getting a reference to a Document object and assigning the appropriate value to the permissions property. Here's a fairly useless example from the VB help file:
Dim MyDB As Database, MyDoc As Document Set MyDB = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("MYDB.MDB") Set MyDoc = MyDB.Containers(0).Documents("MyDoc") Debug.Print MyDoc.Permissions
The reason the example is useless is that it doesn't actually set any permissions. There's only one key thing to remember when setting the permissions property and that is that the property is a bit field containing all the permissions in a single value. While you can replace the entire set by assigning a value to the property, if you wish to add or remove a permission, you must use the bitwise operators. In the preceding code, here's how you would add the Modify permission to the object:
MyDoc.Permissions = MyDoc.Permissions Or dbSecWriteDef
To add a permission to an object, Or the appropriate constant with the existing permissions property.
Here's how you would remove the same permission:
MyDoc.Permissions = MyDoc.Permissions And Not dbSecWriteDef
To remove a permission, use the bitwise And Not operator.
The reason you must use the bitwise operators rather than simply adding or subtracting the constant is that if you happen to add a constant to a permissions property where the permission has already been assigned, the operation will improperly modify the value. The bitwise operators will simply have no effect if the value has already been set (or removed). This applies to bitfields in general - always use the bitwise operators when working with bitfields.
By comparison, the Access user interface provides relatively easy to use dialogs for assigning permissions. Simply select the object from the appropriate object list, select the user or group from the users and groups list, and check or clear the permissions as appropriate. When you're done, click the Assign button.
For what its worth, the Access interface for assigning permissions could use some work. Here's some of the reasons why:
Overall, the entire set of security management tools in Access are a bit clumsy, but still better than writing a lot of code for something that's done only once or at best infrequently. An improved user interface for managing security with Jet databases would be a fine small project that would be much appreciated by many Access and Visual Basic developers. If you're interested in programming Jet security, this would be a good starter project. Perhaps you can beat me to the punch - my version is definitely on the back burner.
Note: Keep in mind that if you will be creating secured applications with Visual Basic, you must have a copy of Access available to create the necessary system database. There is no means available with Visual Basic code to create the required file. Only the Access Workgroup Administrator can create a system database.
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As you can see, Access provides a large variety of powerful tools for building and testing database applications. Considering the cost of many add-on tools and components for Visual Basic, its also an excellent value.
One thing I haven't mentioned up to this point is that Access can also be used as a complete development package on its own without using Visual Basic. With the Access Developers Toolkit, available from Microsoft, you can distribute a royalty free run-time version of the Access executable. Keep in mind that with the toolkit, you will not be creating an .exe of your application and that the user interface is functionally identical with the exception that the database window and design views of objects are hidden from view. Don't be fooled into thinking that you will gain any security or performance benefit by distributing an application using the toolkit. What you will distribute is identical to what you work with in Access. The only difference is in the free run-time version of Access. If the user of the application opens the .mdb file with a retail copy of Access, they will see exactly what you see when you're working on the design.
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| © 1997 Joe Garrick
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