Programming Assignments will be compiled and tested on my computer. Also, they will be graded based on adherence to Coding Standards.
1. Programming Assignments 50% 2. Two Essay Exams 30% 3. Participation/Discussion 20%
Essay Exams will be graded based on content, spelling, and grammar. For more detail, read this bulletin.
Participation/Discussion will be graded based on quality and quantity.
Qualitative Portion (50%, or 10% of total grade)
Each response in a discussion will receive a score of:
- 3 - for a response that adds a new perspective to the discussion
- 2 - for a response that enhances an existing perspective of the discussion
- 1 - for a response that is un-related to the discussion
The scores will be averaged as your Qualitative Portion.
Quantitative Portion (50%, or 10% of total grade)
I will do a statistical analysis on the count of responses. All student count of responses will be normalized onto a Standard Normal Distribution. Outliers (excessive responders and infrequent responders) will be removed from the analysis. Each students count of response will receive a score of:
- 3 - for counts above 1 standard deviation from the mean.
- 2 - for counts within 1 standard deviation of the mean.
- 1 - for counts below 1 standard deviation from the mean.
This score will be your Quantitative Portion.
The raw Qualitative and Quantitative scores will be averaged and divided by 6 to obtain your grade.