The GROUP BY Clause

This is used for grouping and aggregating data. Every field listed in the SELECT clause must either appear in the GROUP BY clause or have a aggregation operation applied to it.

The syntax for the GROUP BY clause is:

GROUP BY field-list

where "field-list" is a comma-separated list of the fields in the SELECT clause that do not have a aggregation operation applied.

Aggregation operations are applied to all values of the field for a sub-set of records. The sub-set of records is defined by the unique set of values from the fields in the GROUP BY clause.


Given a table with the following records:

CourseName StudentName ExamNumber ExamGrade
Computer Programming John Jones 1 85
Computer Programming John Jones 2 79
Computer Programming Jane Smith 1 82
Computer Programming Jane Smith 2 91

Creating a query that calculates the exam average by course and student would result in:

CourseName StudentName AvgOfExamGrade
Computer Programming John Jones 82
Computer Programming Jane Smith 86.5

Creating a query that calculates exam max by course and student would result in:

CourseName StudentName MaxOfExamGrade
Computer Programming John Jones 85
Computer Programming Jane Smith 91

Creating a query that calculates exam first by course and student would result in:

CourseName StudentName FirstOfExamGrade
Computer Programming John Jones 85
Computer Programming Jane Smith 82

The aggregation operations for a field are:

SUM Adds together the values
AVG Takes the average (mean) of the values
MAX Returns the highest value
MIN Returns the lowest value
COUNT Returns the count of records
STDEV Returns the standard deviation of the values
VAR Returns the variance of the values
FIRST Returns the first value
LAST Returns the last value