Graphs Directed Graphs Topological Sorting An list showing the order to visit the vertices. The steps are as follows: 1. find a vertex with no successors 2. delete that vertex and place it at the top of your list For example, let's say you want to earn a degree, and need to know the correct order to take the classes. Each class has one or more prerequites. Here are the courses to take to get the degree: Advanced Algebra Algebra Analytic Geometry Comparative Literature English Literature Geometry Senior Seminar The process of graphing them will give is our topoligical sort. (DirectedGraph.ppt) Degree Comparative Literature English Literature Senior Seminar Advanced Algebra Analytic Geometry Algebra Geometry Minimum Spanning Tree The idea is to minimize how the graph is traversed. Un-Weighted Graphs minimum number of edges to connect all vertices Weighted Graphs minimize some value (cost, time, distance) (WeightedGraph.ppt) 1. start at one vertex 2. deteremine value to each adjacent vertex 3. draw an edge to the cheapest vertex 4. move to new vertex 5. loop back to step 2