It is necessary to define each servlet that Tomcat will use. This is done in a file called "web.xml." Also, the compiled servlet class must be placed in a specific location. Open Windows Explorer. Locate the folder named "cis237" that you created in the "Configuring Tomcat" lecture of Module 8. Create a new folder inside "cis237" named "WEB-INF". Pay close attention to capitalization. Create a new folder inside "WEB-INF" named "classes" Your compiled servlet class must go in the "classes" folder. Next, you need file named "web.xml". Download this one and put it in the "WEB-INF" folder. Open the file in a text editor, and replace "CIS237Servlet" with the actual name of your servlet class. The purpose of this file is to define the environment of your web application. Thetag provides a logical to physical mapping. It allows us to provide a name for the servlet that will be typed into the Address/Location bar. That name is mapped to a specific class file.