The Request object holds all the information coming to the server from the browser. For now, we will focus mainly on two collections contained within the object: Form and QueryString. A collection is simply a number of related items grouped together. For example, you might keep your collection of music (CD’s, tapes, etc) in a special rack designed to hold them. The Form collection contains all name/value pairs for form only. The name of the field is the key to the collection. For example, if you had a form field named "txtFirstName," and you wanted to store the value in a variable named "strFirstname," the code would look like this: [][] Values always come back as a String. You would have to do an explicit conversion for other data types: [] strFirstName = Request.Form("txtFirstName") [][][] The QueryString collection contains all name/value pairs stored as part of the query string. This will contain the form data only if the method on the form is "get." Additionally, there are other methods for placing information in the query string. Otherwise, this collection works the same as the Form: [] intAge = CInt(Request.Form("txtAge")) [][][]] strFirstName = Request. QueryString("txtFirstName") intAge = CInt(Request. QueryString("txtAge")) [][