Most companies these days use tools such as DreamWeaver or FrontPage to create the HTML pages for a website. While these tools a great for creating nice looking, active web pages, the HTML that is generated from these tools can be a nightmare to work with for the back end programmer. If you are creating a page that will be a Server page, it is usually easier to edit them with a text editor. My editor of choice is TextPad, which is available as shareware from Visual Studio is also another excellent choice. Additionally, you will want to follow a few standards to keep you code easy to read. It is expected that all HTML files submitted will follow these standards. Tag Names: The accepted standard is to capitalize all letters of the tag name. I prefer to use lower case. Choose one or the other, but do not mix. Attribute Names: The accepted standard is to use lower case. Attribute Values: The accepted standard is to enclose values in double quotes ("). I prefer single quotes ('). Choose one or the other, but do not mix. Note: Attribute values that contain spaces or other non-AlphaNumeric characters must be enclosed in quotes. The AlphaNumeric characters are A-Z, a-z, and 0-9. Non-Required Closing Tag: Always use closing tags when available, even if the tag is not required. Indenting: If a tag or text is inside another tag pair, indent that tag or text. Take a close look at the examples in previous lectures. Also, take a close look at the HTML source for the Form Fields example page.