The src attribute specifies the path and image file name the browser is to display. This tag is not paired. The only image types permitted are GIF or JPEG (JPG). There are additional attributes for this tag. The following example would display an image named "myimage.gif" that is in the images folder.
<img src='images/myimage.gif'> <embed> The src attribute specifies the path and filename of the object to display. This tag is not paired. There are additional attributes for this tag. The following example would display an icon that would play a sound file when clicked.
<embed src='sounds/mysound.wav'> <applet> The code attribute specifies the name of the java class file the browser is to display. The tag is paired, and the closing tag is required. There are additional attributes for this tag. This example would display an applet named "MyApplet".
<applet code='MyApplet.class'>