When we get to JSP, it's important to remember that Java is CASE SENSITIVE. So, we need to be aware of the case of any folders we create. You can change a setting in Windows Explorer that will allow you to view in the case that was used:
- Click on "View"
- Click on "Folder Options..."
- Click on the "View" tab
- Make sure there is a checkmark next to "Allow all uppercase names"
- Click on "OK"
Broswer Cache
When a page is requested from the server, the browser will first store the page on the hard-drive in an area known as the cache (pronounced "cash"). The default setting for browsers is to automatically check for changes by comparing the date of the document in cache against the date of the document on the server. If the dates are different, it will re-load the page from the server. Otherwise, it will reload from the cache. When we get to coding pages, we will be creating dynamic pages. The content of the page depends on what is in the database. While the contents of the database will change, the date of the document requested won't. As you are testing your pages, you may not see the changes because the browser is pulling the version from cache, which contains the old data. To prevent this from happening, you need to change a setting on your browser.
For Internet Explorer v5.0:
- Click on "Tools" Click on "Internet Options..."
- Click on the "Settings..." button in the "Temporary Internet Files" section
- Click on the "Every visit to the page" radio button
- Click on "OK" Click on "OK"
For Netscape Navigator v4.08:
- Click on "Edit" Click on "Preferences..."
- Click on the + next to "Advanced" to expand the tree
- Click on "Cache"
- Click on the "Every time" radio button
- Click on "OK"