AppletsIn the paint method for Applet:
img = getImage(RL for server/path, strFileName);
g.drawImage(img, y-pos, x-pos, null);Applications
In the constructor for the Application:
Make sure that the component is visible first. Meaning, if it's a frame show it, if its a panel add it to a visible frame.
Create a URL object for the file.
URL url = new URL(strURLFileName)
Get the Toolkit for the component:
Toolkit tk = frame.getToolkit();
Use the createImage() method of the Toolkit object:
Image img = tk.createImage(url);
Use a MediaTracker to make sure it is fully loaded before displaying it:
MediaTracker mt = new MediaTracker(this);
mt.addImage(img, 0);
mt.waitForAll();Get the Graphics for the object, and draw the image:
Graphics g = getGraphics();
Appletssong = getAudioClip(URL object for server/path, strFileName);
Two arguments for Applet methodApplications
song = Applet.newAudioClip(URL object for server/path/filename);
One argument for Applet method