Using TextPad with Java

Installing TextPad
Setting Up the JDK Tools
Running the JDK Tools
Prompting for Parameters
Setting the ClassPath

Installing TextPad
  1. Download the free installation program for TextPad from
  2. From Windows Explorer, double-click on the downloaded file to install TextPad.
  3. Accept all defaults during the installation process.

Setting Up the JDK Tools

If you installed the SDK before installing TextPad, then TextPad will automatically detect and setup the Java Tools for you.

Otherwise, to set-up the JDK Tools:
  1. Start TextPad.
  2. Click on "Configure" in the MenuBar.
  3. Click on the "Preferences..." MenuItem.
  4. An new window titled "Preferences" will open.
  5. Click on "Tools" at the bottom of the tree on the left side.
  6. Click on "Add" in the upper-right corner.
  7. Click on "JDK Tools" from the drop-down list.
  8. Click on "Apply" in the lower-right corner.
  9. You should now see the 3 JDK Tools listed in the TextArea in the center.

Running the Java Tools
  1. Make sure your Java source code window is active.
  2. Click on "Tools" in the MenuBar
  3. Select the appropriate JDK Tool from the list at the bottom.

Prompting for Parameters
  1. Click on "Configure" in the MenuBar
  2. Click on the "Preferences..." MenuItem.
  3. An new window titled "Preferences" will open.
  4. Click on "Run Java Application".
  5. Click the CheckBox next to "Prompt for parameters" to place a checkmark in it.
  6. Click on "Apply" in the lower-right corner.

Setting the ClassPath
  1. Click on "Configure" in the MenuBar
  2. Click on the "Preferences..." MenuItem.
  3. Click on the "+" next to "Tools"
  4. Click on "Compile Java"
  5. In the "Parameter" box type: -classpath $FileDir $File
  6. Click on "Apply" in the lower-right corner