An Introduction to Visual Basic In this lesson, we will write our first program. We will focus on how to get help, and how to manipulate a few controls. The classroom activity for this lecture will be to work through the beige boxes in the following lesson sections: Tutorial 1 Lesson B VB 39 - Getting Help in Visual Basic VB 44 - Adding Label Controls to the Copyright Screen VB 45 - Setting the Properties of a Label Control VB 46 - Setting the Left and Top Properties VB 47 - Changing the Property for More Than One Control at a Time VB 48 - Saving Files Under a Different Name Lesson C VB 57 - Adding an Image Control to the Form VB 59 - Adding a Command Button to the Form VB 60 - Writing Visual Basic Code VB 64 - Setting the BorderStyle Property VB 65 - Adding a Frame Control to a Form VB 68 - Hiding and Displaying Controls VB 76 - Changing the Code Window Display VB 77 - Printing a Visual Basic Application VB 78 - Making an Executable (.exe) File