Creating the Student File Disks

There are two places to get the student files from:
Click on this link: 1071-4d.exe Steps
  1. When you click on the link, a box will open asking what to do with the file
  2. Select the option that allows you to save it to your computer
  3. Make a note of the folder that the file is saved in when you save it
  4. After it is saved, open Windows Explorer and locate the file
  5. Double click on the file to run it
  6. The program will expand all the student files onto your computer
  7. Follow the direction below for copying the to disk
The SCCC Computer Steps
  1. Go to any one of the computers on campus
  2. Open Windows Explorer
  3. Locate and open the drive named "Sys1 on 'Ac1' (G:)"
  4. Locate and open the folder named "shares"
  5. Locate and open the folder named "CIS129_Files"

After you have access to the files, create the disks as follows:
  1. Label the six disks as directed on Page xv of the textbook
  2. Place the disk 1 in the drive
  3. Hold the "Control" key down and click once on each of the following folders in the right side of the Explorer window: Overview, Tut01, Tut02, Tut03
  4. Right click the mouse and select "Send To -> 3 1/2 Floppy (A)"
  5. When the files are done copying, remove the disk
  6. Place the disk 2 in the drive
  7. Hold the "Control" key down and click once on each of the following folders in the right side of the Explorer window: Tut04, Tut05, Tut06
  8. Right click the mouse and select "Send To -> 3 1/2 Floppy (A)"
  9. When the files are done copying, remove the disk
  10. Place the disk 3 in the drive
  11. Hold the "Control" key down and click once on each of the following folders in the right side of the Explorer window: Tut07, Tut08
  12. Right click the mouse and select "Send To -> 3 1/2 Floppy (A)"
  13. When the files are done copying, remove the disk
  14. Place the disk 4 in the drive
  15. Hold the "Control" key down and click once on each of the following folders in the right side of the Explorer window: Tut08
  16. Right click the mouse and select "Send To -> 3 1/2 Floppy (A)"
  17. When the files are done copying, remove the disk
  18. Place the disk 5 in the drive
  19. Hold the "Control" key down and click once on each of the following folders in the right side of the Explorer window: Tut09
  20. Right click the mouse and select "Send To -> 3 1/2 Floppy (A)"
  21. When the files are done copying, remove the disk
  22. Place the disk 6 in the drive
  23. Hold the "Control" key down and click once on each of the following folders in the right side of the Explorer window: AppendixA, AppendixB, AppendixC, AppendixD
  24. Right click the mouse and select "Send To -> 3 1/2 Floppy (A)"
  25. When the files are done copying, remove the disk